Funding recipients announced for the International Congress of Maritime Museums Global Maritime Histories Project
The ICMM Global Maritime Histories: Case Studies for Change Project is administered by the International Congress of Maritime Museums with funding from Lloyd's Register Foundation, and supports projects which explore and share maritime histories.
This initiative has a specific focus on the diverse voices which have shaped the history of seas and oceans, and how these voices can inform our approach to contemporary maritime and oceanic challenges.
Four projects have been awarded funding:
The Australian National Maritime Museum, for an Oceania Maritime Museum Administrators training course
The New Zealand Maritime Museum, for 'Ocean Literacy and Te Moananui a Toi'
The Museo Marítimo Nacional, for 'Encounters: A Knowledge Sharing Workshop and New Network for Maritime Museums in Latin America'
The Australian Wooden Boat Festival, for 'Seafarers of the Pacific: Celebrating the Maritime Culture of the Global South'
See the ICMM's website for further details.